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About Land Command

We offer customized packages of sensors that give you continuous visibility over your property, animals, crops, equipment, and home.​  Our system works via WiFi or cellular networks, even with minimal signal.

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Our Process

How do we build your custom Land Command system?

Dairy Farmer

System Design

We'll design a customized technology package to monitor your property.


Ongoing Monitoring & Service

We are always available to help you with your system or add new components.

Complimentary Consultation

Connect with one of our professionals to review your property and technology needs.

Irrigation System

Easy Installation

Mount the sensor, scan the QR code, and connect to the network.  It's that simple.


Our Quality Guarantee

Our promise to our customers is simple... the best technology, unbeatable service, and the most innovative solutions.

Our sensors have been tested in many different conditions.  They are robust and durable, and the batteries last for years.

The Land Command team brings decades of experience in rural property management, and we understand the challenges.

We are rethinking the way rural property owners get things done.  Instead of driving miles to check gates, feeders, or pond levels, our sensors will alert you when something is wrong.  Rather than irrigating a field or pasture on a set schedule, soil moisture sensors can trigger irrigation only when it's needed.  The applications are endless... let's talk about how we can help you.

Let's build your Land Command system together.

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